keep away from

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keep away from

更新时间:2024-06-11 01:49:34

英 [ki:p əˈwei frɔm]

美 [kip əˈwe frʌm]

keep away from基本解释

远离; 回避


  • 网络解释

1. 使避开;使远离:go away 走开;离去;(岁月)流逝;死去 | keep away from... 使避开;使远离 | pass away 去世;消失;度过

2. 远离:expanded order 伪指令 | keep away from 远离 | inexpert 不熟练的 生手


3. 避开,远离:keep an eye on留意,照看 | keep away from避开,远离 | keep back阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留

4. keep away from在线翻译

4. 远离,回避:keep at sth 不断地做 | keep away from远离,回避 | keep sb down压制

  • 临近词
They have to keep away from ghosts and not offend them.(离鬼魂远一点,千万别冒犯它们。)
Do not use under wet conditions, please keep away from water.(不要在潮湿的环境下使用,请让电泵远离水。)
He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.(他警告比利离他女儿远点。)
Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.(没有人能够完全远离这个竞争社会。)
Please keep away from my younger sister.(请离我的妹妹远一点!)
Keep away from water and fingerprint.(不要沾水,不要沾指纹。(娇嫩)。)
Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds.(尽可能呆在家中,不要上班、上学或去人多的地方。)
For example, foresee the possible incidents and keep away from crowded places.(例如,预见可能发生的事故,远离拥挤的地方。)
Keep away from the transformer.(不要靠近那个变压器。)
To be clear, people can't keep away from all the risks in this way, but it's the best choice.(需要明确的是,人们不能以这种方式远离所有的风险,但这是最好的选择。)
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